2 August 2013

Four treats of a retreat

On February I got a strong urge to participate on a spiritual summer retreat. I had never done that before so, of course, that´s what I did.  The months preceding and the experience itself changed me. It´s been now almost three weeks since the retreat, but I know that things will never go back to the way they were before. And I love it. So here are the four things I´ve noticed happening around the retreat making a difference in my life - this far:

1. Nutrition improvement

On April I gave up completely using alcohol and caffeine, plus I changed my diet to include more fruit and vegetables. Meat I haven´t really eaten for 10 years, so no biggies there. I expected that this preparation for the retreat would put a wine-lover and coffee-drinker through a hard time and would result on a payback right after the retreat. However, after the retreat I have been surprised to find out that I have no need whatsoever to go back to the old habits. I have even found out that my old fruit, vegetable and nut allergies are gone. 

2. Getting clean-clean-clean!

Two months before the retreat I got sick. Having a flu, getting allergic reactions, breathing problems, broke my knee and so on. I spent almost four weeks on a sick leave, counting clouds passing by and sleeping. My body was cleansing itself for the retreat, and I did my own part for it. The first two days on the retreat I slept most of the time and literally shat my pants. After the retreat I felt cleaner and clearer. I can now feel five major meridians going to my fingers and toes, and how different they each feel. Cleansing myself is definitely something I´ll keep on doing. You never know your dirty you are (mentally, physically, energetically) before you experience the cleanliness.

3. Anthropophobia be gone!

This means fear of people. I realized I had this while preparing myself to the retreat. I then started to face the fear little by little as well as trying to recognize the worst case scenario patterns that my mind produces all the time. After retreat I realized that I kept on staring at people, making them a little uncomfortable. My fear was gone. But not so unexpectedly one week afterwards the old energies started to creep up on me again. So now I find myself trying to hide again from people, avoiding long eye contacts and now showing my real self to them. But now I`m aware of it, and I can break the pattern. It is only a matter of time that the old energies get tired of trying. 

4. Supernatural empowerment 

During the retreat I volunteered to a practice I was so uncomfortable with. It was about communicating with another person while everyone else was watching us. But the urge to volunteer was so strong, that I knew I would regret if I did not go for it. What happened during the exercise was quite interesting. I felt an energy trying to emerge and rise up through me but it was blocked around my heart area. During the exercise I felt the channel opening up and felt the energy come through into my expression. Afterwards I heard that energy had made a noticeable difference. Once again I forgot about it afterwards, until after the retreat. The energy is now back and it is definitely something that needs to work through me. People react to it, when I let it flow. The energy is something very personal, it´s me, my own power. It´s work in progress to learn about it, but I think I have definitely found something essential. It has something to do with my life´s mission, of which I also got lots of clues during the retreat. I´m quite excited...

Well here are four very practical things to start with. I might write another post soon about the changes in perception that has happened to me. The retreat changed the way I view things, but that is such a huge issues to discuss so... until the next post! *kiss*

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