25 June 2014

Clarity, energy and human management

Well, three things going on at the moment.

I was finally able to make the decision emotionally, that I logically already made 6 months ago. It took all this time to liberate myself from the burden that my optimistic side was holding on to and weighted myself down. The classic happened. I was finally able to let go, emotionally, and what a surprise it was to see how something better always comes to replace. No matter how well you "know" that you need to let go of things, actually letting go of them is another matter. You need to make those things with your whole being, and for months I was unable to do what I felt I had to do. How slow! How stupid! And the worst part is that I do now know how I could have done it any sooner. Anyway, finally I´m here.

By letting go, I freed myself to new clarity. Everything is lighter, I see a little better and my goodness there is so much energy. I decided to go on a retreat again this summer, and as a result I was overwhelmed by the massive energy flow that followed.

The arriving energy requires time and space. Since I´m still waiting for my holiday to start, and need to work form 9 to 5... the result has been massive headaches and feelings of sickness. The purification effect on my body is so strong that my head has been feverish and more than then times I´ve felt the need to throw up. How nice. Last night after work I crawled straight to my bed and gave the incoming flow some time and space. I also got help for the headache after asking for it. After two hours of feeling the overflow going through me, I was finally able to drink and eat again. My felt recharged. It´s a process on-going now, but I haven´t felt this lightness and out bursting energy in me since the September. I was giggly and man! did I find the thriving power inside again. I´ve been missing it. Feeling unable to take a stand for yourself has been such a dump for me.

Oh, and about managing humans. I have been investigating now for some years the way people are being managed in the working environment. And I have some major objections to it. This has to change. The leadership models and human "resource management" has to change big time. I think I might have something to do that during my life time. That would explain my past and current experiences. Experiencing what I detest has enabled me to recognize it. I am still lacking the means to go forward with this, but everything in its good time.

I wish I was able to follow my inner guidance better. The shadow in me is still there, and all the people around are being pushed down by the same shadow. That´s why we can´t have that many nice things.

6 June 2014

Social expriences and the universe

It´s been a while.

I´ve been drifting up and down, between the highs and the lows and the numbness of the middle. These feeling come and go. I feel like my "educational" experience cycle is moving forward to provide me with the themes and lessons for each day. Currently I`m learning about social experience and finding my inner universe. And finally, after a long while, I´ve started feeling the purpose of my life associating with the enlightenment again. Such a relief.

"The social experience" is about me expanding myself to a wider perspective of people and human relationships. As a child I built walls around myself to protect me from the evil other people. Letting go of the fear of people took years, and the final breakthrough took place exactly one year ago. This spring I´ve been wondering several times "how the he** did I get in this mess" since suddenly I´ve found myself mingled in social relationship and -oh yes- drama. I´m learning quite a lot. I used to try and be "perfect" in my relationships with people, and now I´ve learned that the ups and downs are the standard of relationships and nothing remains truly the same. I feel there are connections in place that carry some higher purpose though I do not fully understand them yet. I am growing together with people I love and we trigger growth in each other. The timings in these relationships is a symphonic masterpiece for which I applaud the universe. My mind will never really grasp the complexity of the whole.

The universe and planets have been popping up everywhere during the past week. Random people come to talk to me about planets, and articles about them keep popping up. The universe is making itself quite present to me, and in me. As a result I have become aware of the space within me. Note the double meaning of the word. As above, so below. I don´t know what this means yet, but here it is. Present in this moment. Maybe awareness is all that is needed. I am actually happy that I´m becoming more aware of my body again.

I do not only carry your world. I carry your universe, our universe.

Enlightenment is looming around me, sometimes closer by and sometimes further away. I often feel like I´m wasting my time with my everyday life, but then again I feel there is a purpose for going through all this. I feel like I need to grow my appetite. But that is something one does not simply decide to do. So stuck here, halfway there, moving forward in time while I wait for the want (which I kinda shouldn´t have if I want there).

I feel so old sometimes.